Wed Night Dinner Survey

Some of our church members have volunteered begin preparing a Wednesday evening meal. Another has offered to supply the food. We're hoping to get some feedback on the interest level and details that would work best for New Song families. 

Please help us by completing the survey below. 

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Would you/your family be interested in a Wednesday evening meal in the church fellowship hall before other Wednesday night activities.
If you answered "I'm not sure" can you provide details about what would help make your decision?
Considering your family's schedule, what is the earliest time that you could arrive on Wed. nights for a meal without rushing?
Any additional thoughts on a starting time you'd like to share?
Would you prefer the Wednesday night meals to be:
Would offering a Wednesday night meal make you more likely to attend our Wednesday night activities?
Are there other factors that might make you more likely to attend Wednesday night activities?
Proposed menu options are designed to be simple and easy to prepare: soups, hamburgers & hotdogs, chili, salad, baked potatoes, etc. There would be such things as PB&J sandwiches for children, mac & cheese, apple sauce, grilled cheese, etc. Are these options suitable for your family?
If you answered "no", please give some suggestions about what kind of menu options would be more suitable for your family.
There would be a small charge for the meals. Our current suggestion is $5 per adult and $2 per child with a max of $15 per family. We would make exceptions for individuals or families who could not afford to pay. Since the food is being donated, all proceeds would go toward our Lithuania Missions Partnership or another ministry area.
Any input on cost of the meal?
Providing your name is optional, but it would help if we have follow up questions. Thank you for your input.
Would you be interested in volunteering to help with cooking, setup, cleanup, or other ways? This is not a commitment, only to gauge interest. If you check yes, please make sure to leave your name in the field above.

Membership Class Lunch Order

Please fill out one form for each person attending the Membership Class.

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Service Time

Sundays at 10:45 am

We'd love to see you there!

Current Series